Solve Unamusement: Toys' Music

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The Dudel Journal

Toys' Music

Absolutly one of the best things about the movie Toys was and always will be its music. From "Happy Workers" and its opposite to the actual music video scene within the movie that is, supposedly, performed by Robin Williams and Joan Cusack.

Happy Workers


One of my favorite, I am having either difficulty finding or difficulty in understanding. The song is played throughout the last part of the movie while those within the toy factory are running from the small tanks, etc. It may simply be a mix of "Workers", which is the opposite of "Happy Workers", but it may have its own tune.

If anyone knows anything about what I am talking about, please post with the name of the song, or if I am correct in thinking it is simply a part of "Workers", mixed throughout the movie. If it is the former, please provide a link.


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