Solve Unamusement: 7/25/10 - 8/1/10

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Solve Unamusement has been closed, but that does not mean you can't still find random amusements or keep in touch with the former author of this blog.

Everything shall be on the author's deviantART journal and there is a feed to go with it.

The Dudel Journal

Random Shi- Stuff

One of the best and worst things about the internet is that there is so much stuff out there. At times it is a pile of random bullcrap no one wants to even look at and at other times you find yourself wondering from subject to subject.

Today is a talk about such an event, which started with the random thought spawned by the last clip in the video from this post here. That thought was "Well those are 10 jumps, can I find record breaking dives?"

The answer was "Yes" but something else was cooler.

Apple Love

Whoa! Sorry for that delay folks, sometimes so many things becoming amusing that I just forget to tell anyone about them. Maybe an update about what your writer is doing in another day or so but right now, enjoy some Apple Love-ish.

Apple Store Love Song

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