Solve Unamusement: 8/15/10 - 8/22/10

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Solve Unamusement has been closed, but that does not mean you can't still find random amusements or keep in touch with the former author of this blog.

Everything shall be on the author's deviantART journal and there is a feed to go with it.

The Dudel Journal

After Armageddon

Ever wonder what the world would be like if everything that was once moving took a total stop on how things ran? Ever get that paranoid itch in your head that your next flu could kill you and five of the six BILLION people on the planet earth? Have you ever thought or wondered just how fragile we, as a species of humans, are?

A nine part YouTube break up of a History Channel show explains what may happen once the world is overtaken by its own irrationalities. Will you be a survivor or one of those coughing up blood?

Midnight Madness

This post is doing two things, posting up a quick video and checking out YouTube's new iFrame embed feature. Okay, so here it is!

Midnight Madness - The Chemical Brothers

Speaking of Metroid

Ah yes, speaking of Metroid who here knows that Super Metroid is one of the best games to ever be created in all of games that ever was? Right under Morrowind for best game of all time.

Super Metroid Music - Theme of Samus Aran: Galactic Warrior


Never Played but Listened

Today we talk about those games we have never played but have listened to the soundtracks of. While games like Morrowind set a mood and games like Persona 3 are being "hip to their audience" some games just can't be played for whatever reason so we enjoy them second, or even third, hand.

It all starts with 8-Bit and then works to 16-Bit and further down the line to what was shared. In fact, some game music is so awesome that people rip OST (Original Sound Tracks) files and put them out for others to enjoy.

Random Generation

Thanks to our friend Splash over at Whatever-The-Heck-She's-Calling-It-Now we have come across something that can kill hours and hours of your life away and that is right up Solve Unamusement's ally. Just think, a way to create nonsense without thinking about it.

Dudel coordinates a chest inside a circle. The castle rants in any midnight! The snack deranges a satire beside the rising discharge. Why won't the mayor bean Dudel? Dudel reinstates a basis.

Can a patent revert? Without Dudel declines her twentieth purge. An unconscious rivals a determined scope next to the immense sea. Dudel associates with the blanket before a kindly guitar. When can a confidential monkey lust? The oxygen pales Dudel behind the historian.

What that even means is beyond this writer but really, blame Splash

Creative Tools

Supposed to help with writers block and the like- come to think on it, let us just copy-paste from their site.
These tools will generate random words, sentences, or paragraphs. You may want to use the generators to help you in your own approach to brainstorming. You can also use the sentence and paragraph generators if your tastes in comedy lean toward the absurd.1

Anyway, have fun and kill a few hours. Maybe make a story and share it with us at Solve Unamusement

Novella Chapter One

Let us give that which has almost been completed a bit of time on the blog. Hell, what is the point of having a blog if you can't shamelessly plug things every-so-often, right? Would make a second blog all about stories and art and blah blah blah, but that is what dA is for and why internet artist people have them.

Example: DudelRok @ deviantArt

So shameless plug of general dA account out of the way let us post the story chapter one and let it be done. However it should be noted that while this is the first chapter there is more to it both before and after. Soon to be finished as well.


Chapter One: Meet Mr. Nothing
Excerpt: (The) Novella

"What a beautiful day," I wake up to start my day as I have always started it, with a lie. Saying the words that don't come out the way intended, this day is not beautiful. It's the middle of winter, my heater is broken and the rain is heavy. Today is not a beautiful day in the slightest. "Come on Whiskers," I call for my cat who I don't even remember bringing home, as I shift from my matted sheets. Sheets on a bed that are sitting on top of rotten wood, the floor could give away at any minute but, "It's such a beautiful day." I only remember seeing the cat once but that could have been a dream, I don't really remember. Whiskers doesn't come to me but he never does, or was Whiskers a girl cat? It doesn't really matter.

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