Solve Unamusement: The Scaffold

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Solve Unamusement has been closed, but that does not mean you can't still find random amusements or keep in touch with the former author of this blog.

Everything shall be on the author's deviantART journal and there is a feed to go with it.

The Dudel Journal

The Scaffold

An old school comedy band with some grand bits to share with the world. The Scaffold is a trio of men, one of whom apparently is Paul McCartney's brother, who have fun with their lyrics and music. A couple of their songs are hit singles, one of which I want to share, but they have many amusing songs.

One of my favorite of their songs has to be the silliest yet oddly profound musical rendition I have heard in all my twenty two years. This song is not only one of my favorite of the group but a favorite of its genre. I do classify "comedy" or "humorous" as its own genre of music.

Today's Monday is just the most simple and yet wonderfully amusing song I have ever heard. It is a ton of fun to sing along too, actually all of The Scaffold's music is. Anyway, enough talk of the music, this is about the music in general. Have a listen, yes?

Today's Monday

Lily The Pink

Weren't those two songs just uttermost excellence?

That comment above has made me ponder about "Bill & Ted". I shall now have to remember this thought for a later date and possible Solve Unamusement submission.


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