An old school comedy band with some grand bits to share with the world. The Scaffold is a trio of men, one of whom apparently is Paul McCartney's brother, who have fun with their lyrics and music. A couple of their songs are hit singles, one of which I want to share, but they have many amusing songs.
One of my favorite of their songs has to be the silliest yet oddly profound musical rendition I have heard in all my twenty two years. This song is not only one of my favorite of the group but a favorite of its genre. I do classify "comedy" or "humorous" as its own genre of music.
Today's Monday is just the most simple and yet wonderfully amusing song I have ever heard. It is a ton of fun to sing along too, actually all of The Scaffold's music is. Anyway, enough talk of the music, this is about the music in general. Have a listen, yes?
Today's Monday
Lily The Pink
Weren't those two songs just uttermost excellence?
That comment above has made me ponder about "Bill & Ted". I shall now have to remember this thought for a later date and possible Solve Unamusement submission.
One of my favorite of their songs has to be the silliest yet oddly profound musical rendition I have heard in all my twenty two years. This song is not only one of my favorite of the group but a favorite of its genre. I do classify "comedy" or "humorous" as its own genre of music.
Today's Monday is just the most simple and yet wonderfully amusing song I have ever heard. It is a ton of fun to sing along too, actually all of The Scaffold's music is. Anyway, enough talk of the music, this is about the music in general. Have a listen, yes?
Lily The Pink
Weren't those two songs just uttermost excellence?
That comment above has made me ponder about "Bill & Ted". I shall now have to remember this thought for a later date and possible Solve Unamusement submission.
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