Solve Unamusement: TARBOY (Animated Film)

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Solve Unamusement has been closed, but that does not mean you can't still find random amusements or keep in touch with the former author of this blog.

Everything shall be on the author's deviantART journal and there is a feed to go with it.

The Dudel Journal

TARBOY (Animated Film)

A not an aniBOOM film, this is done by someone independent of that. Originally found on newgrounds after a random bout of amusement search which was loosely suggested.

TARBOY - Original Film

The most amusing part, in personal opinion, is how one suggestion which is only mildly amusing can lead to something like this. It's well done be it drawn by hand or not (It's a flash animation for those who could not tell.) and has an interesting story. Bet that if there is a two Solve Unamusement will find it, maybe.

1 comment

bagalagalaga said...

This is really great stuff, I love the fight in the dark.

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