Solve Unamusement: Something & Nothing

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Solve Unamusement has been closed, but that does not mean you can't still find random amusements or keep in touch with the former author of this blog.

Everything shall be on the author's deviantART journal and there is a feed to go with it.

The Dudel Journal

Something & Nothing

Kelly Vivanco is a current popular artist that many people are just dying to get their hands on, her artwork I mean. When you view her works it is clear why too. Her paintings, especially the smaller ones and panels, are like a brothers grim story quickly given a single panel for its story. Nothing seems lost in the translations as you look and then understand.

Recently, a couple of days ago, Kelly Vivanco had a show with another artist with similar styles. Subtext has info on it and later shows if you are interested. Kelly Vivanco is also the writer of the Patches comic, which I discussed earlier in this blog. That is originally how I came about her works, though the amusement of the comic. It was a great little transition that makes me wish I could also monetize my limited skill with a pencil.

In all seriousness and understanding, one should check out her art. If not on the expencive side, Kelly Vivanco has some great pieces that just make you wish you were inside the painting. Reality of this is I can't talk to much about her artwork, you just have to view it for yourself.

Kelly Vivanco also keeps a blog, which is in my watch list, to keep her fans up to date. Currently, or rather recently within the last month or so, I have come a fast fan. The blog gets updated once every few days with something interesting and mildly random, you should check it out.

All of Kelly's work, info and other things can be found at at, a link is also in the sidebar.

Why not also view her flicker?
(Flicker link can also be found at


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