Show: Supernatural
Song: Detachable Penis by King Missile
Result: Gold
Song: Detachable Penis by King Missile
Result: Gold
Come on, that was funny! Okay, maybe if you absolutely love the show or character you may fail to see the humor in this. Then again if you watch the show enough you will wonder where Dean's testicles are and why Sam ain't dead yet.
Perhaps watching Jack Sparrow love his jar of dirt will amuse you more. It is always funny when a feared pirate sounds like a child while he sing-songs.
Yes, it is a lazy day here at Solve Unamusement but sometimes that happens. The other option, as compared to getting two vids posted, was to simply post nothing and pretend like I had forgotten. Watch some of the related vids on "I've Got a Jar of Dirt" for extra smiles.

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