Today is a talk about such an event, which started with the random thought spawned by the last clip in the video from this post here. That thought was "Well those are 10 jumps, can I find record breaking dives?"
The answer was "Yes" but something else was cooler.
Wiki Says:
The JIM suit is an atmospheric diving suit (ADS), which is designed to maintain an interior pressure of one atmosphere despite exterior pressures, eliminating the majority of physiological dangers associated with deep diving. Because there is no need for special gas mixtures, and there is no danger of nitrogen narcosis or decompression sickness (the 'bends'); the occupant does not need to decompress when returning to the surface. It was invented in 1969 by Mike Humphrey and Mike Borrow, partners in the English firm Underwater Marine Equipment Limited (UMEL), assisted by Joseph Salim Peress, whose Tritonia atmospheric diving suit acted as their main inspiration. The suit was named after Jim Jarrett, Peress' chief diver.
So then I thought, okay lets try to find a YouTube video or something of at least someone going "Oooh Awe look at the funny artifact" but then something else caught my attention and I stopped caring about whatever JIM was doing in his suit. The funny thing is that the item in question isn't all that amusing... well unless you like old type Mississippi BLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUES music.
The internet is a crazy thing that offers us the most random of randomness, and now you know a little bit on how Solve Unamusement finds things that are amusing. Simple go about the internet when bored and not wanting to blog, video game, read, write, ma- well you get the image and point.
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