Did a quick scan of Solve Unamusement's music label to make sure this wasn't posted before but nothing is perfect and it is possible. IF such is the case then that just means this song is worth posting twice, as some more are and might get re-posted on "lazy days".
The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
The song is messed in the head but making it literal was a stroke of genius. Personally, I love this video and it's visuals as well as the song but not all is the same in their amusements.
Also, a quandary to readers. Is re-posting old posts worth it? Some blogs do this but I see it as lazy. There is the "Irrelevant Pic" which works in a similar manner and is technically more lazy then even this, but it's more Solve Unamusement friendly, in personal opinion.
The song is messed in the head but making it literal was a stroke of genius. Personally, I love this video and it's visuals as well as the song but not all is the same in their amusements.
Also, a quandary to readers. Is re-posting old posts worth it? Some blogs do this but I see it as lazy. There is the "Irrelevant Pic" which works in a similar manner and is technically more lazy then even this, but it's more Solve Unamusement friendly, in personal opinion.

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