Wikipedia Says:
Disney ETC Says:
Jack Frost
Dudel Says:
Solve Unamusement does not support Jack Frost or cold weather. It is an evil thing, perhaps even a demon, and even the likes of southern states results in low unpleasant temperatures because of them.
In English folklore, Jack Frost appears as an elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold, winter weather; a variant of Father Winter (also known as "Old Man Winter"). Some believe this representation originated in Germanic folklore specifically in the Anglo-Saxon and Norse winter customs.
Tradition holds Jack Frost responsible for leaving frosty crystal patterns on windows on cold mornings (window frost or fern frost).
Disney ETC Says:
Dudel Says:
Solve Unamusement does not support Jack Frost or cold weather. It is an evil thing, perhaps even a demon, and even the likes of southern states results in low unpleasant temperatures because of them.

2 Replies:
All days with single digit highs definitely get the finger from me, hopefully a finger that is inside a heated room and near hot hot coffee
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